Our Testimonials


"Elm Window cleaning have been cleaning the windows at the Fuller, Smith & Turner PLC brewery site since 2006 and to date we are happy with the quality of their work and the customer service provided by them when the workforce is on site. When they book attendance they always turn up on time and complete the job in a timely manner."

Fuller, Smith & Turner PLC


"We have used Elm Window Cleaners for approx 25 years and during this time we have found them to be totally reliable and trustworthy and would have no problems recommending them to others."

Charles Kendall Group


"This is to confirm that Elm Services have carried out cleaning of our windows internal and external as well as cleaning the cladding to the front elevation of our building since 2008. I have no hesitation in confirming that Elm Services are reliable, worked to a high standard and ensure Health and Safety is complied with at All times."


